Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapists in Canada work with people of all ages with a wide range of health conditions. Physiotherapy can help with pain management and rehab from acute injuries like whiplash, back pain and sprained ankles, to management of chronic conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes. Physiotherapy is not limited to just rehabilitation of injury, disease or disability. A Physiotherapist also provides education and recommendations for health promotion, disease and injury prevention (prehabilitation).
What kind of Education does a Physiotherapist have?
Physiotherapists in Canada have, at minimum, a Master's of Science in Physiotherapy (MScPT) from an accredited University. They must be licensed and registered to their College of Physiotherapists. Search them on CPO’s website here. Physiotherapists work in Hospitals, Clinics, and in the Community. Upon completion of at least an Undergraduate degree in usually Science or Kinesiology (many have their doctorates), prospective Physiotherapy students undergo a rigorous and competitive selection process to enter into the Physiotherapy Professional Masters program. Physiotherapy School is a 24-25 month program with an intensive 36-week Clinical Residencies where Physiotherapy students do rotations in hospitals, clinics, and in the community. Physiotherapy students then graduate with a Masters of Science in Physiotherapy (MSc. PT) and become Physiotherapy Residents. Prior to becoming a full Physiotherapist, Residents must pass Nation-wide Examinations which include a 4-hour Written and a 9-hour Clinical.
Can I be reimbursed by Insurance & Extended Health Benefits for Physiotherapy?
Yes! A detailed receipt will be provided upon the completion of each physiotherapy appointment and payment. These receipts are 100% reimbursable through your private insurance and extended health benefits.
What forms of payment do you accept?
When you book your first physiotherapy appointment, your credit card information will be entered into our secure system. This credit card will be billed after the completion of each appointment. We do not keep your credit card information. Instead, we use an authorized third-party payment processing company called Payfirma to safely process each payment.
Are your services covered by OHIP, work place safety (WSIB), or Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Insurance?
We are currently accepting Workplace Injury (WSIB) and Motor vehicle accident (MVA) insurance.
What can I expect at my first appointment?
The first Physiotherapy appointment includes an Assessment and Treatment. Assessment includes a detailed Medical History and specific Clinical Tests to establish a diagnosis. Together with the patient, Physiotherapists plan Treatment that is consistent with the patients’ goals and health status that is supported by the best evidence available. Treatment is always specific and individualized to each patient, but will likely include education, an exercise program, and manual therapy (hands-on treatment).
How can I book a Physio appointment?
Book online here, contact Jon directly at (647) 884-6588, or email him at Looking forward to hearing from you!
How much does a Private Physio cost?
My fees are up front and fair market value for the services you are getting. See them here when you book online. You might be able to save a few dollars per visit at another Clinic. My goal, however, is to provide you with the best value your money can get and save you time and pain in the long run. Unlike other Clinics, I do not spend a fraction of the appointment with you before handing you off to a Physiotherapy Assistant. I always prioritize quality over quantity. Unsure? Come in for a free consultation here.
What makes you different than other Physiotherapists or Physical Therapy Clinics?
Private Physiotherapy is personable, professional, and efficient. We operate without the large overheads that many large corporations and clinics have. We also don't have to answer to Business Managers or pass you over to Physiotherapy Assistants (unless necessary). This allows us to make clinical decisions solely on Scientific Research instead of business reasons.
Does it cost extra to do Dry needling, Acupuncture, Taping, Cupping, or Deep Tissue Massage?
No :)!